Welcome to our BLOG... !

A BLOG is a place to share information and commentary about the life experiences of a person or couple. This is an opportunity to share our lives with you, and so, we shall attempt to keep you all up to date on our life together.


Our World Cruise 2008 has come...can't believe it ! The time has flown and we are starting the cruise tomorrow. We'll be away from Jan 2008-May of 2008. I will be posting frequently, so, please, check-in often and comment "whenever the spirit moves you", (as my mother used to say !). PLEASE, check the section about "how to comment"...it may help you when you choose to do this after reading a section.

It is my hope that, at any time, but, especially, during this cruise, we ALL will use this site to stay "connected" with oneanother, dispite the vast geographical challenge...and feel wonderful about the sharing of thoughts and feelings, altogether.

I shall post pictures from the ship and from various places we visit...but most will be on 'shutterfly' and you will be able to access them via this BLOG by clicking on the HYPERLINK I shall place within the posting. If at any time the hyperlink doesn't work, then type the address into your web browser to go to shutterfly and use the password to access the OTooleworldcruise2008 collection...whenever you would wish to do so.

We hope that you will feel welcome and think of this, sort of, as YOUR SITE, too.

a message from,
Nancy and Patrick

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan 23rd...almost to Honolulu

1-23-08 GOOD MORNING…everyone!
Today is our last “sea day” for a couple of day. Tomorrow we land in Honolulu, and the following day, Maui. I have, for SO LONG looked forward to being in Hawaii for the first time, I am feeling a bit sad that so much of it may be in a DENTIST’S office, of ALL THINGS !!! However, life is full of surprises, and, perhaps, my visit will be swift and smoothe !
Ahhhhhhhh! Hawaii…that land of leis and tropical beauty. I have just learned that there are many, many types of leis. Some are of beautiful tropical ilima or plumeria blossums, some shells, some of Pukeawa (a small red berry), some of the green and orange flowers of the a’aili’. The ancient leis were made from grass blades, which they used as needles and banana bark strands, a primitive thread. The most popular of the six traditional types are woven from the maile leaves. No matter what the kind, tradition is for the a Hawaiian daughter to place a gentle kiss upon the cheek and then a lei around the neck of the visitor to their wonderful island…to officially welcome travelers as honored guests…free from all maliini (or outsider fears). Aloha ! “love…I love you…welcome” . Oh! I can’t wait…for tomorrow.
Meanwhile, today is full of promise. Right after I finish writing, I’ll go to work out…much needed to keep some good balance in my daily routine. After breakfast, we’ll be treated to an enrichment program by Dr. Jay Wolff…who will present another of his series: Pearl Harbor. This, certainly will give one a somber memory and proper perspective as we enter Hawaiian waters.
Later this morning, we’ll be treated to yet another enrichment lecture by Dr. Tony Alessandra…who is well published and will speak on “the Platinum Rule”…are you a Director, thinker, Relater, or Socializer??? Should be interesting.
Hopefully, today, I shall make another memoir writing session and perhaps learn more about painting on silk…we’ll see.
Surely, Pat will enjoy more quiet time reading…or, perhaps trying his luck at a blackjack tourney…who knows.
Each day offers so much or nothing…that is the beauty.
We think of and speak of so many of you each day, and my writing is helping me to feel connected to each one.
I shall try to take some more interesting pics today and in the next two days…and get them on the net. Thus far, only ship pics and those of the wonderful art exhibit…as the days have seemed lazy, and the photographer has, as well.
Nancy and Patrick

ps ...be SURE to check the shutterfly site for more pictures...in the Hawaii file. I am adding more each day.

remember it is: http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com password: CRYSTALS.

You might need to type this link (above) into your web browser...

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