Welcome to our BLOG... !

A BLOG is a place to share information and commentary about the life experiences of a person or couple. This is an opportunity to share our lives with you, and so, we shall attempt to keep you all up to date on our life together.


Our World Cruise 2008 has come...can't believe it ! The time has flown and we are starting the cruise tomorrow. We'll be away from Jan 2008-May of 2008. I will be posting frequently, so, please, check-in often and comment "whenever the spirit moves you", (as my mother used to say !). PLEASE, check the section about "how to comment"...it may help you when you choose to do this after reading a section.

It is my hope that, at any time, but, especially, during this cruise, we ALL will use this site to stay "connected" with oneanother, dispite the vast geographical challenge...and feel wonderful about the sharing of thoughts and feelings, altogether.

I shall post pictures from the ship and from various places we visit...but most will be on 'shutterfly' and you will be able to access them via this BLOG by clicking on the HYPERLINK I shall place within the posting. If at any time the hyperlink doesn't work, then type the address into your web browser to go to shutterfly and use the password to access the OTooleworldcruise2008 collection...whenever you would wish to do so.

We hope that you will feel welcome and think of this, sort of, as YOUR SITE, too.

a message from,
Nancy and Patrick

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First few days from the ship...wow !

Hello everyone…
What a few days we have had…The anticipation of such a wonderful trip, culminating into the beginning of fabulous days. Where to begin?
The trip to Ca. was wonderful…we were treated royally by American Airlines, but no less than by Steven and Cheryl once we arrived. Such fun visiting with the Grandchildren…introducing them to Egyptian “finger cymbals”, Turkish belly dance outfits, and the biggest hit of them all (we think…SILLY PUTTY) ! We had some time to catch up and also several lovely meals together…mostly either Asian or Lebonese food…YUMMM!
The kids entertained us by enjoying riding ponies, a small steam train and at the mall, even ice skating. We tried them all and it was really fun being a kid again.
Our trip to Beverly Hills was uneventful, and as we arrived into Los Angelos, we were reminded of why we enjoy living in a smaller city…so much traffic…MY! We chose to relax a bit, instead of going to to the near-by Rodeo Drive…and after the fact, I sort of wish I had walked there…just to see it. Perhaps the next time. Crystal parties are always fun, as was this one. We had a lovely table with pale purple roses as a topiary…as it was an exterior table and each one had this arrangement to sort of “frame” the room. The band was a delight…and we enjoyed at least one dance before the evening ended.
Sat came early and so did our transport to the ship. We were soooo excited RIGHT UP UNTIL the time when, all of a sudden…and without warning, my front tooth just came out ! (I am told that an old root canal weakened it…timing is everything, though!). We spent the afternoon in a “suspect” dentist office…and didn’t accomplish anything except to miss all the embarkation “hoopla”. Oh well…”c’est la vie”. Now, I was left with a humbling appearance and needed to use my best skill to pull off looking glamerous at the captains welcome dinner party. I feel like a miniature Captain Hook.
Well………the dispensary, a place I had hoped NOT to have to visit…is helping me to secure a dental app’t in Honalulu…and hopefully it won’t COMPLETELY screw up our time there. Cheryl’s Mom was nice enough to plan a lovely day there for us, visiting the Arizona memorial and lunch and sightseeing…we’ll see if we can do this, and/or have to see a dentist instead. Ahhhh! Life….eh?
Meanwhile, the ship activities have begun…a lecture by Dr. Jay Wolff, a noted writer/speaker for cruise ships, who really speaks about geography/history and cultural perspectives re: the places we are about to visit, as one might read a really good book. We are lucky to have him for all 108 days on board.
The movies have begun, however, unpacking and settling in have taken priority thus far.
I am hoping to take several courses in Photoshop 6…so that I can do even more sophisticated things with my pics on the way, and when I return. We’ll see what I can learn. I think that I am still “trainable” …but, time will tell.
I must admit that I have visited the casino several times thus far…and was doing fine up until today. However, I am still ahead and I aim to keep it that way (if’n I can). 
Today, we had a lovely late morning party for all 324 world cruisers…to hear all about the gatherings we shall have together…and to meet the crew and the staff of the ship. Many we know from past voyages and it feels sort of like “old home week” with some of them…really lovely to see the warm smiles and hugs from so many. We look forward to meeting more as the days pass.
The seas have MOSTLY been calm, just a few hours last night were a bit less than perfect, however, we have a very quiet room, and; the sleeping is wonderful. We are really enjoying the sea days before we hit land in Honalulu in a couple of days.
I shall upload a few pics from the ship in a day or so…but just wanted to say “hi” and that we are well and enjoying each moment…as we should. We are hope that you are all well and enjoying the winter.
Clyde and Jeanette…ENJOY Dubai…! We’ll think of you there.
Kendra…Happy Birthday…a day or so in advance…we are SO glad you were born.
Carolyn, we’ll be thinking of you on the 30th…and I am sure that all will go fine…and you’ll be skipping around in no time.
Kim…I shall be eager to hear about Montreal…know how you love it there…
Jenny…hope that you will have found a comfy bed for Miss Penelope by now…and I am SOOOOOO sorry about the blanket we gave her which caused the static electricity…NEVER meant that.
Tom and Sue…hopefully your plans for little Joy are moving along and that good news is coming soon. We are thinking and praying for you.
So many more people to remember but, alas, another time.
We think of you all! Be well ! We’ll stay in touch…you do the same, we love to hear.
Love from Patrick and me

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