Welcome to our BLOG... !

A BLOG is a place to share information and commentary about the life experiences of a person or couple. This is an opportunity to share our lives with you, and so, we shall attempt to keep you all up to date on our life together.


Our World Cruise 2008 has come...can't believe it ! The time has flown and we are starting the cruise tomorrow. We'll be away from Jan 2008-May of 2008. I will be posting frequently, so, please, check-in often and comment "whenever the spirit moves you", (as my mother used to say !). PLEASE, check the section about "how to comment"...it may help you when you choose to do this after reading a section.

It is my hope that, at any time, but, especially, during this cruise, we ALL will use this site to stay "connected" with oneanother, dispite the vast geographical challenge...and feel wonderful about the sharing of thoughts and feelings, altogether.

I shall post pictures from the ship and from various places we visit...but most will be on 'shutterfly' and you will be able to access them via this BLOG by clicking on the HYPERLINK I shall place within the posting. If at any time the hyperlink doesn't work, then type the address into your web browser to go to shutterfly and use the password to access the OTooleworldcruise2008 collection...whenever you would wish to do so.

We hope that you will feel welcome and think of this, sort of, as YOUR SITE, too.

a message from,
Nancy and Patrick

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Raitea en route to Moorea

Raiate’a…en route to Moorea
Hi everyone…
We had such a wonderful day today…lots of different things happened along the way.
It all started with a rainstorm early this morning…it kind of “bummed” me out to have it raining when I had always imagined these beautiful islands to be tropical and hot and dry! Meanwhile, I learned that this is their rainy season…Nov to March…so, c’est la vie.
Just as I was trying to think positively about the fact that even though it was raining, we were going snorkeling and so it wouldn’t matter……the rain stopped and the sun and the heat arrived. It turned into a steamy 86 degrees…
Today, it took quite a long time to “clear” immigration, and so, our time here was shortened. We laughed that it might be a plot to keep us women from shopping…!
By about 1-ish…we got clearance to leave the ship…and our excursion began. Only about 10 of us went together in two vans to the dock where we boarded our small motor boat to the Pearl farm. How interesting…to see how they attract oysters and “farm” them. Part of the process is to harvest the “stem cells” from one oyster and implant them into others, so that the beauty of the sacrificed oyster, can be grown and harvested again and again. I shall upload pictures of this process into the Raiate’a folder on shutterfly, next sea day…it is a painstaking process which must account for the price of such pearls. WOW !
Next, we did get to snorkel amoung the many colorful live coral reefs and nearby to the strings of Oysters. It was fascinating to see them, and the many fish swimming near-by.
Unfortunately, my underwater camera doesn’t do so well, as there is no view finder and this fact makes it very hard to compose a good picture. The water was lovely and warm…and although I did get some sun, not too much, happily. The People here number only about 11,000 and there is about 40% unemployment. Roads are in poor condition, and although there is a hospital and a “college” (combined elem and high school), people are quite poor. Gas is > $8.00/gal and a coke about $5.00…so most people bicycle and drink ALCOHOL.
Later on, our orchestra put on a jazz festival, just after dinner, and then, we watched two shows of an illusionist and his wife…AMAZING ! How do they do those tricks !!!
We are off to bed now, as tomorrow comes early 8am…another cruise and
Bar-b-q on the beach. Sounds like fun………….
See you tomorrow.

Love from us both………

Ps……..just got home from our tropical day on Moorea…I could stay a month here…the most beautiful island…ever !
Pictures will speak volumes…and I shall try to get them up in the next few days.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

shutterfly link to Honolulu pics

Pictures for you!
From: Nancy Ruth Jacob-o'Toole

very slow upload time...will have to do only a few from now on.
Miss you all........
In raiatea today...for snorkeling in a coral garden...over oyster beds
and w sting rays...can't wait.

lots more soon...promise



Pictures from Nancy Ruth Jacob-o'Toole

Note: This Shutterfly Collection is password protected.

You will need to get the password from the owner to view the Shutterfly Collection.

(1 of 135 pictures)

If selecting "See pictures" doesn’t work, copy-and-paste this address into your browser:
http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com?a=1 (USE PASSWORD: CRYSTALS)

Raiate'a The Society lslands

You ask me: ‘what DO you do at sea? Aren’t you bored?”
I reply: “HOW could I be bored ? Bordom, certainly. is a curious word and one which I simply cannot use for our sea days. Instead I would describe them as a delicious opportunity for a myriad of experiences and to learn new things about countries, people and ourselves ! The days at sea are what we make of them and as we speed through the water on this magnificent ship, the time for the experiences we are choosing to have, seem to fly . We have had many days at sea during this first “leg” of our cruise, and many of the experiences require their own unique chapters…they will come, I promise. Alas, but for another day…for…
Four days ago, we arrived in Maui…such a long awaited port.
I wrote this, then, planning to send it that day. Somehow, the day and the following days have gotten away from me. However, in an effort to capture one moment in time, I shall send it to you, anyway with the promise that I shall TRY to do better with more timely letters, in the future. Here goes:
As a little girl, I always dreamed of going to “Hawaii: and so, it seems, that yesterday, in Honolulu, & today in Maui, the dream of this little girl was finally to come true! What a rush !
The morning started early with the ever changing colors of a magnificent sunrise. I found that I could not resist getting up early to witness the sight. Perhaps, it was the utter anticipatory excitement that this day…that the arrival in Hawaii, had finally come, or, perhaps, it was the simplicity of the beginning of another beautiful d on this good earth , I can’t be sure. However, I do know that the brilliant hues of deep red-orange sun, peeking out of the horizon, was ever so fleeting and that I had better hurry to get my camera in order to “catch the moment”!
I must not miss it ! I felt like as if I were in a race for time…as if the sun and I were playing a game of hide and seek for it was darting behind the clouds, and then popping out once again, a new color- shouting out :
“SURPRISE! LOOK AT ME! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!” …………………………. I wondered- who will win???
How to describe the beauty? This morning , the sun was vividly colored like the crayons in a childhood art box, and now the colors were changing ever so rapidly. Red to orange, ever so slightly tipped with yellow at its edge. I must hurry, yet, I must also be patient for the sun would dictate exactly when the perfect moment would arrive !
I held the camera with this glorious sight in its view, excitement building with each changing hue. I nervously wondered: when shall I press the shutter? I engaged the shutter half way, to affix the image. As I held my hand steady, my finger only half way pressed, I felt like a tiger ready to pounce any moment, to capture its prey.
When will I choose the right time to capture this moment…this memory?
INSTANTANEOUSLY, I allowed my finger free reign to go all the way down…CLICK !
The satisfaction of it…I have it…the change to “hold a this memory”…What a lucky girl I am!

Breakfast was a blur as I realized that I simply could not focus on food when the rainforest and waterfalls were calling out to me. Onboard, the rhythm of the waves moved me back and forth between the task of eating, and that of considering what lie ahead. As with the waves, the eager anticipation of the experiences to come was swelling within me.
Yes! I would, Indeed, be a beautiful day !

I look back on those moments with great fondness…and wanted to share the excitement I felt…and so often do, when I am moved by a sight and the accompanying feelings. Perhaps that I why I feel so passionate about photography…for, it is a chance to feel the thrill of the moment…and to know that I won’t forget. It is that rare opportunity to connect, again and again with the thrill of it all as I edit and then sharing these pictures with you all! I love sharing with others…and as we are about to arrive in Raiate’a…the Society islands…I am once again, overwhelmed with excitement. In just a few hours, I shall have the opportunity to snorkel in pristine aqua waters, over oyster beds and in a living coral garden. Some say, these could be some of the most beautiful beaches and waters in the whole world. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…and I can’t wait to see for myself.
So…I shall end with this, and promise to try to write more often, perhaps tonight about the stingrays and Oysters I have met today……….
Love from us both,

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jan 23rd...almost to Honolulu

1-23-08 GOOD MORNING…everyone!
Today is our last “sea day” for a couple of day. Tomorrow we land in Honolulu, and the following day, Maui. I have, for SO LONG looked forward to being in Hawaii for the first time, I am feeling a bit sad that so much of it may be in a DENTIST’S office, of ALL THINGS !!! However, life is full of surprises, and, perhaps, my visit will be swift and smoothe !
Ahhhhhhhh! Hawaii…that land of leis and tropical beauty. I have just learned that there are many, many types of leis. Some are of beautiful tropical ilima or plumeria blossums, some shells, some of Pukeawa (a small red berry), some of the green and orange flowers of the a’aili’. The ancient leis were made from grass blades, which they used as needles and banana bark strands, a primitive thread. The most popular of the six traditional types are woven from the maile leaves. No matter what the kind, tradition is for the a Hawaiian daughter to place a gentle kiss upon the cheek and then a lei around the neck of the visitor to their wonderful island…to officially welcome travelers as honored guests…free from all maliini (or outsider fears). Aloha ! “love…I love you…welcome” . Oh! I can’t wait…for tomorrow.
Meanwhile, today is full of promise. Right after I finish writing, I’ll go to work out…much needed to keep some good balance in my daily routine. After breakfast, we’ll be treated to an enrichment program by Dr. Jay Wolff…who will present another of his series: Pearl Harbor. This, certainly will give one a somber memory and proper perspective as we enter Hawaiian waters.
Later this morning, we’ll be treated to yet another enrichment lecture by Dr. Tony Alessandra…who is well published and will speak on “the Platinum Rule”…are you a Director, thinker, Relater, or Socializer??? Should be interesting.
Hopefully, today, I shall make another memoir writing session and perhaps learn more about painting on silk…we’ll see.
Surely, Pat will enjoy more quiet time reading…or, perhaps trying his luck at a blackjack tourney…who knows.
Each day offers so much or nothing…that is the beauty.
We think of and speak of so many of you each day, and my writing is helping me to feel connected to each one.
I shall try to take some more interesting pics today and in the next two days…and get them on the net. Thus far, only ship pics and those of the wonderful art exhibit…as the days have seemed lazy, and the photographer has, as well.
Nancy and Patrick

ps ...be SURE to check the shutterfly site for more pictures...in the Hawaii file. I am adding more each day.

remember it is: http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com password: CRYSTALS.

You might need to type this link (above) into your web browser...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1-22-08 another beautiful sea day

1-22-08 HELLO everyone…
A new day and what a beautiful day it was. This morning started out an early morning sunrise…couldn’t resist taking some pics. How beautiful it was to arise in such a colorful way. (see the pic at:

http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com (type into browser to access!)

(password: CRYSTALS)

Pat and I had a nice breakfast in the dining room…then on to this morning’s lecture.
First we heard from Richard kahn, the past president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences…re: the upcoming Oscars. Very informative insider view of MOVIE personalities, and the way the Oscars work. He showed many old tv clips from past Oscar shows and answered many questions of those who were “just wondering…”.
The, later on this morning we had another lecturer. Some of you may remember a lady by the name of Nancy Dussault??? She starred in A Sound of Music (after Mary Martin), and Many Broadway shows, as well as co-hosting ABC’S Good Morning America…and so on. Anyway, she spoke about her life and the lives of other famous personalities during her talk this morning. She sang her famous signature songs and really was quite delightful.
They hosted a wonderful art show in the main Crstal cove…(see the pictures on shutterfly).
We also had a lecture from our “resident” astronomer: Dr. Norman R Caisse…”Navigating the skier: the Northern Sky”…Taking a look at the stars and planets we will see on deck en route to Tahiti. This was only this morning.
This afternoon, while pat read…I watched the Movie RENDITION…wow…….what a movie. Way too real for me…but well acted.
Tonight, we ate at the Japanese restaurant: Silk Road…REALLY fabulous food…not too much and exquisitely prepared. Very Japanese ! I celebrated by wearing my silk Kimono, and my efforts were appreciated by several staff and fellow cruisers. I love to “get into the spirit”. Afterwards, we were serenaded by a four man (very cute men)…accpella group, FULL SAIL…just before another show by Dale Kristien…who was Christine in Phantom of the Opera w Michael Crawford for six years. What a voice. I WOULD LOVE just one day with that voice !
This was a truly wonderful day...
So many things here on board to do…and that only covers about 25% of what is available…! We met more of our fellow cruisers and the “family” is growing. Lots of fun seeing others around the ship.
I am left with the wonderment of the intellect and such talent of so many, many people who have been brought here to entertain us. It is truly wonderful to see enthusiasm and expertise among so many young people (as well as some entertainers who are more our age).
Happily, I continue to feel well……..no pain from my exposed tooth…and Cheryl’s mother is being soooo very helpful in having gotten me an app’t with her dentist in Honolulu, soon after we arrive. Soooooo, hopefully, the problem can be solved there. Thank you, Carol !
Tomorrow is our last sea day for awhile, yet, Pat and I have enjoyed each one emensely. He has read three books so far…and we both are feeling settled into our new “home away from home”. Writing to you helps me to feel ‘connected” and the emails I have already gotten from many of you have been oh! So welcome…thanks.
This is all for a few days…will write after we have visited Honolulu and Maui…and there is much more news to share.
Right now, our thoughts and prayers are with David and Anna Clark…especially as David is trying to recover from a stroke…! Linda, we hear you haven’t been feeling well of late…hope that has past and you now are so much better.
Any of you who have had to fly lately, and had flights cancelled due to snow, we hear about it, and hope that the situation will be rectified soon…so that you can continue with your business/personal lives uninterrupted !
Tonight is mod rough seas, however, as we have a mid ship cabin, we are not bothered…the swaying is sorting lulling us to sleep…so I shall go to bed now.
Be well everyone and remember to check the shutterfly link (above) often for new pictures as they shall appear.

Love from us both,

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First few days from the ship...wow !

Hello everyone…
What a few days we have had…The anticipation of such a wonderful trip, culminating into the beginning of fabulous days. Where to begin?
The trip to Ca. was wonderful…we were treated royally by American Airlines, but no less than by Steven and Cheryl once we arrived. Such fun visiting with the Grandchildren…introducing them to Egyptian “finger cymbals”, Turkish belly dance outfits, and the biggest hit of them all (we think…SILLY PUTTY) ! We had some time to catch up and also several lovely meals together…mostly either Asian or Lebonese food…YUMMM!
The kids entertained us by enjoying riding ponies, a small steam train and at the mall, even ice skating. We tried them all and it was really fun being a kid again.
Our trip to Beverly Hills was uneventful, and as we arrived into Los Angelos, we were reminded of why we enjoy living in a smaller city…so much traffic…MY! We chose to relax a bit, instead of going to to the near-by Rodeo Drive…and after the fact, I sort of wish I had walked there…just to see it. Perhaps the next time. Crystal parties are always fun, as was this one. We had a lovely table with pale purple roses as a topiary…as it was an exterior table and each one had this arrangement to sort of “frame” the room. The band was a delight…and we enjoyed at least one dance before the evening ended.
Sat came early and so did our transport to the ship. We were soooo excited RIGHT UP UNTIL the time when, all of a sudden…and without warning, my front tooth just came out ! (I am told that an old root canal weakened it…timing is everything, though!). We spent the afternoon in a “suspect” dentist office…and didn’t accomplish anything except to miss all the embarkation “hoopla”. Oh well…”c’est la vie”. Now, I was left with a humbling appearance and needed to use my best skill to pull off looking glamerous at the captains welcome dinner party. I feel like a miniature Captain Hook.
Well………the dispensary, a place I had hoped NOT to have to visit…is helping me to secure a dental app’t in Honalulu…and hopefully it won’t COMPLETELY screw up our time there. Cheryl’s Mom was nice enough to plan a lovely day there for us, visiting the Arizona memorial and lunch and sightseeing…we’ll see if we can do this, and/or have to see a dentist instead. Ahhhh! Life….eh?
Meanwhile, the ship activities have begun…a lecture by Dr. Jay Wolff, a noted writer/speaker for cruise ships, who really speaks about geography/history and cultural perspectives re: the places we are about to visit, as one might read a really good book. We are lucky to have him for all 108 days on board.
The movies have begun, however, unpacking and settling in have taken priority thus far.
I am hoping to take several courses in Photoshop 6…so that I can do even more sophisticated things with my pics on the way, and when I return. We’ll see what I can learn. I think that I am still “trainable” …but, time will tell.
I must admit that I have visited the casino several times thus far…and was doing fine up until today. However, I am still ahead and I aim to keep it that way (if’n I can). 
Today, we had a lovely late morning party for all 324 world cruisers…to hear all about the gatherings we shall have together…and to meet the crew and the staff of the ship. Many we know from past voyages and it feels sort of like “old home week” with some of them…really lovely to see the warm smiles and hugs from so many. We look forward to meeting more as the days pass.
The seas have MOSTLY been calm, just a few hours last night were a bit less than perfect, however, we have a very quiet room, and; the sleeping is wonderful. We are really enjoying the sea days before we hit land in Honalulu in a couple of days.
I shall upload a few pics from the ship in a day or so…but just wanted to say “hi” and that we are well and enjoying each moment…as we should. We are hope that you are all well and enjoying the winter.
Clyde and Jeanette…ENJOY Dubai…! We’ll think of you there.
Kendra…Happy Birthday…a day or so in advance…we are SO glad you were born.
Carolyn, we’ll be thinking of you on the 30th…and I am sure that all will go fine…and you’ll be skipping around in no time.
Kim…I shall be eager to hear about Montreal…know how you love it there…
Jenny…hope that you will have found a comfy bed for Miss Penelope by now…and I am SOOOOOO sorry about the blanket we gave her which caused the static electricity…NEVER meant that.
Tom and Sue…hopefully your plans for little Joy are moving along and that good news is coming soon. We are thinking and praying for you.
So many more people to remember but, alas, another time.
We think of you all! Be well ! We’ll stay in touch…you do the same, we love to hear.
Love from Patrick and me

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gala party tonight

Hi there...
Just a quick note before I "turn in". The party, tonight, was wonderful. Beautiful round tables with hand stitched cloths, and high pale purple rose topiaries for the centerpieces. The band was terrific and easy to dance to ...many ship's officers were on hand to greet us and renue acquaintances. Oh! the glamour was fun...it is always fun to 'dress up' and to be in a historic place...but so much more fun was seeing people we had met last year. Many were here again for this cruise and it felt sort of like "old home week" when seeing some folks. There was such an air of excitement among all of us...as few have traveled to all the places we shall go...and there is much mystery yet to be revealed. FYI...there are 328 world cruisers in all...! (the ship holds a total of just <1000 passengers).

I am glad that all of our excursions are booked and I won't have to "wait in line" once on board. Although many excursions were closed in Hong Kong, I googled for info re: things to do in Hong Kong, and as a result, a wonderful new E-Mail friend is holding two tickets for us to go on a "junk cruise" for the mid evening in Hong Kong Harbour for coctails and to watch the lights of Hong Kong as well as the famed lazer show there. It will be fun to finally meet this kind gentleman who has helped me with this plan...once we arrive. These kind of circumstances and the opportunities to meet people all over the world certainly holds a specail allure for me, personally. I have been criticized for spending too much time E-Mailing on the computer, but, for some reason feeling connected to others accross the miles feels wonderful and hopeful to me.

Being here is a wonderful experience...as this is the historic place of the golden globe awards and in all the halls are pictures of movie stars at various ages and stages in their career. Our floor highlights Sophia Lauren...what a beauty. HOW can one compete with her??? Other halls have JFK, and Marilyn Monroe, and of course, Frankie and the list goes on and on. I am struck with the fact that the pictures show them as such young people...perhaps just starting out in their career...they were SOOOOO young. Ah! Hollywood !

We had the opportunity to go to Rodeo Drive today and I felt torn, yet, was still a bit jet lagged, and so, chose, instead, to relax and to even nap this afternoon. Sometimes sleep is a luxury one cannot afford to miss !

With that in mind...off to be with me...for, we leave at just after 11a for the ship.

Will email you from there in a day or so...after we get our "sea legs".

much love to all........

Friday, January 18, 2008

The World Cruise, starts today, officially

Hi Everybody...

I am writing to you, from Beverly Hills Hilton...(sort of feel like Jethro Clampette-remember him???) What a fab h0tel. It was just redone, and the elevator area has a HUGE salt water aquarium.....with the BEST fish...can't wait to do some snorkeling.

We had a lunch here after arriving from Irvine, where we spent two very special days with Steven, Cheryl, and their two beautiful children. Crystal was waiting for us, and was wonderfully organized and helpful to us, to make our check-in a breeze.

Tonight is the party, then we embark on the ship tomorrow late morning.

This is all sort of a dream, yet will be even more special sharing it with you all.

Cheryl's mother will meet us in Honolulu and treat us to some personal sightseeing...The Arizona monument, a special lunch and then later in the afternoon...a luau. How very kind of her to do this for us...we so appreciate the personal touch. Meanwhile, we'll settle in, unpack and re-acquaint with those we remember from another time onboard, and begin to meet new friends. What an adventure.

Guess this is all for now...just wanted to say"hi" and soon to be :"Aloha!".

love from us both.....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

greetings from califormia...!

Hi everybody...

We arrived in California yesterday...right on time...without any problems.  We came to Irvine via Dallas-Ft Worth and happily,  all the luggage arrived with us !!!  yay !

Since then, we have been having such a good time with both Emme and Adan...playing with play dough, listening to singing, hearing a piano recital and that was only yesterday.  Today, we went to the Mall and the kids rode "ponies" and then, we all went ice skating.  Well....it has been 25 years, but I managed to skate without falling once.

anyway...just for fun, I shall upload some pictures to shutterfly for you all to see...

click on the hyperlink above to see the pictures.


more in a day or so.

love to all....

Nancy and Patrick

Monday, January 7, 2008


Hi everyone, and HAPPY NEW YEAR !

I have written to all of you, of late, to offer you one last chance to try out the links for our cruise...JUST in case, you are having any trouble making the 2 links work ! I have heard from several of you and I shall share with you all what I told a few: if you still have trouble using the links because they might not be "active"...then, just copy and paste them into your web browser...choose "go" and get to the blog or the shutterfly site that way. Be sure not to forget the password for the shutterfly site : CRYSTALS.

This has been such a busy week, and I just know that the last one will fly. I am on schedule, though and hoping to be all ready by the end of the week. All the excursions are booked, now, and just tonight, we met another couple who will be on the segment from Sydney, Au - Hong Kong. WHAT A KICK ! We plan a dinner evening together...who knows, perhaps we'll go together in a "Junk" in Hong Kong harbour to enjoy the lazer show after dark...we'll see.

Through all of this excitement...I am taking time (like today during a YOGA CLASS), to think about the gravity of this experience Patrick and I are about to share together...how wonderful it really is...HOW truely lucky we are...and, how wonderful it isto have such wonderful family and friends with whom to share it all! I also thought about the idea that ...even though OUR experience, together will have to be a virtual one, really, the important expereinces in life are always best shared...and as we share with you, you are actively helping to enrich our own experience; for this, we thank you so very much !

At this point, you might be interested to know that all of us, together make up about 120 strong, following along from many states and parts of the world. They include: Mass., Conn., Florida., North Carolina, Va., Vt., Texas., Arizona., California., Kentucky., Oregon., Ohio., Indiana., Montreal., Toronto., Tennessee., Antigua.,Australia., England.,china., and New York. This list grows daily !

Hopefully, some of you will want to add comments within the blog for us, and others to see. If you prefer not, then you can just send a private email to us...

OF COURSE life happens, and my camera is acting up...SO, IT IS OFF TO THE CAMERA SHOP to see what I can do. I shall be certain that I have a good camera for the whole world cruise...no worries. I shall either have a replacement Nikon D-80 or a D-300 for the trip. I'll continue to use my Nikkor 18-200mm VR lens...For you photo buffs, the D-80 megapixel range is about 10.5...the D-300 is 13 mpixels and the actual pictures will be photographed at prof "fine quality" size of about 3,000x4,000mpixels/picture...jpeg format via SD card.

So are YOU ready...........we are. Stay tuned, and we'll wait to say good bye until next tuesday the night before we actually leave for L.A.

UNTIL THEN...stay well, and warm and know that we'll be missing you and hoping to hear from you often while we are away.

Peace and good health and warmth of heart...in the New year !

Nancy and Patrick !

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone !

Ah! Tis 2008...have you written the new year date, yet? That always seemed to me to be a curious moment, each year...that is, the first time I ACTUALLY wrote"2008"...it cemented the new year and tha passing of the previous one.

I sincerely hope that this past one was a good one for each of you...as it held many Blessings for Patrick and me.

Now...having celebrated Thanksgiving with family here in Fla., and Christmas, also here with my two daughters and little Gretchen, then, heralding in the New Year, we are, now, looking forward to our world cruise which starts in two weeks. How can that be? We have been planning for it...for such a long time...both in things "to do" and also, emotionally ready-ing for the onset. It is practically here, and I am busy figuring out HOW to pack and also, getting all the links set up on the computer to "take you with us" virtually. We hope that you will visit this blog often and enjoy the commentary as well as to go to the shutterfly link (http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com/) NOTE: PASSWORD IS: " CRYSTALS" ...check out the maps and the corresponding titled albums there and the pictures, as I add them. No worries, I shall do fewer this year, but TRY to pick out the best.

Be sure to send a personal e-mail to us on occasion, as we love to hear from you; the notes from "home" will be important to us to feel connected to YOU.

I shall be taking a global Blackberry-world phone with us for emergencies...(I'LL send the # to key people via a private e-mail) and SHOULD be able to receive calls when we are in port (and the verizon/GSM signal is strong)...I don't think that they have many towers in the middle of the oceans which we shall traverse...and the calls will be expensive...so, emergencies only, please !

If you check out the world map which will be included in this BLOG, soon, as well as the segment maps located in the world cruise collection located via the shutterfly link, then, you will know when we'll be IN PORT.

This time, I'll send an email to alert you as to when Pat or I will be IN the computer room, for those of you who wish to see a "live time" wave hello from afar. Will TRY to make this work given the time differences along the way.

Guess this is all for now...I'll keep you updated and you "do the same".
We're off to get our Typhoid shots, tomorrow.
