Welcome to our BLOG... !

A BLOG is a place to share information and commentary about the life experiences of a person or couple. This is an opportunity to share our lives with you, and so, we shall attempt to keep you all up to date on our life together.


Our World Cruise 2008 has come...can't believe it ! The time has flown and we are starting the cruise tomorrow. We'll be away from Jan 2008-May of 2008. I will be posting frequently, so, please, check-in often and comment "whenever the spirit moves you", (as my mother used to say !). PLEASE, check the section about "how to comment"...it may help you when you choose to do this after reading a section.

It is my hope that, at any time, but, especially, during this cruise, we ALL will use this site to stay "connected" with oneanother, dispite the vast geographical challenge...and feel wonderful about the sharing of thoughts and feelings, altogether.

I shall post pictures from the ship and from various places we visit...but most will be on 'shutterfly' and you will be able to access them via this BLOG by clicking on the HYPERLINK I shall place within the posting. If at any time the hyperlink doesn't work, then type the address into your web browser to go to shutterfly and use the password to access the OTooleworldcruise2008 collection...whenever you would wish to do so.

We hope that you will feel welcome and think of this, sort of, as YOUR SITE, too.

a message from,
Nancy and Patrick

Saturday, March 29, 2008


MARCH 29th… Hi everyone…
WOW…can’t believe that this is the date….WHERE has the time gone???
So many of you have written to us, of late, and we SOOOOO appreciate your notes (keep’em coming)…I hope that you will not feel offended just getting a group letter>……..? ! The “net” has been slow of late, and I would like to use the time I have to upload some pictures and to compose a meaningful letter…so, if you will humor me…here goes……
So much to tell you , for we had a fascinating day, yesterday. We were in Kuala Lampur…and spent most of the day there. I always wondered about this place…this whole part of the world, in fact…that I found myself up quite early with eager anticipation of the day ahead of me. In fact there have been so many fabulous ports this leg of our trip, thus far…and many more to come, that I just hope that I can keep up, for it is an important part of this trip, for me, to share with you! I am hoping that I can do that, writing about the experiences and sharing pics, fairly close to the time when we are there. I shall have several sea days en route to INDIA and I MAY take them to do the real catching up, then, as I am WELL aware that I am VERY late posting pictures from many ports which we have already seen. I have some great pics and want to do them justice, and edit them before sharing; this is why it takes me so long. Oh! Also, because, at times, the internet is VERY slow! Anyway…onward…
“Our captain greets us each morning at 9am sharp with a full report…where we are, important sights to see or to anticipate…depth of the water, our keel depth…where our “sister ship” is located…weather report, concerns or celebrations and his “thought for a day”. Today, his:
Thought for a day”…
“You will see many jewels, but your friends are the most precious jewels of all!”
It is always nice to start the day with a “thought” for some are simple; some, profound, but, all are worth consideration!

So “KL” as Kuala Lampur is known……where to start?
We had a full day’s tour yesterday…mostly a walking tour of the city…it’s architecture, people, China Town, a Temple, market, Malasian “Tea” and ended with a traditional Lunch buffet…
Once again, we found the roads quite good…lovely horticulture along the way…perfectly trimmed decorative landscaping in the medians, and tunnels with beautifully designed tiles…very clean. En route, occasionally, one could see a mosque…as this is about 60-70% Muslim.

Once we arrived…we were split into two groups to assure that we could hear the guide as we walked together. Happily, as this was a walking tour, people were all able bodied and moved quickly, which was very nice. Take note that the TEMPERATURE WAS 34 DEGREES CEL ! and about 85-90% humidity…so, once again, a REALLY, really bad hair day…as at times, I looked like someone had just poured a bucket of water over my head. Never the less…WHAT FUN it was to REALLY see the beautiful architecture from street level…the juxtaposition of temple, with run down building, with perfectly laid stone building, with inlaid wood designs and such. (you will see this in the shutterfly pictures): http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com
The artistic design flowed, as evidenced by the street lights…in the form of the orchid flower…the national flower…and the Malasian ornament near-by on so many corners. (note what the lovely Malasian women are carrying when they greeted us, and compare with the designs on the street…they are the same )
As we walked, I found the people to seem quite curious about ‘US” and yet, welcoming and not unwilling to be photographed. There were people:
-stringing live flowers for necklaces…
-roasting chestnuts…
-cooking “satay” a favorite Malasian food…along with “chicken rice”…
-just sitting in doorways…watching the world go by!
We saw…
BEAUTIFULLY draped Muslim women in gloriously colored, silk, draped & flowing fabric; some tending to their children…some teenage and giggling with one-another
Workers digging up tiles in the streets with jackhammers wearing long sleeved shirts, and face covers ( HOW they did this in the high heat and humidity is a COMPLETE mystery TO ME !)
Merchant s attempting to “make a sale” …….We were told to ALWAYS BARGAIN and to expect the price to drop by 60%...or that it would be an insult to the seller…as they expected that also…a sort of “conversation” of sorts…! Interesting ways…but effective for fostering conversation.
Amazing Temples…with intricate inlaid ceramic figures…filled with incense coils (their way of “lighting a candle”)…beautiful lanterns…and at times, music during a prayer session.

The whole walk took us through “china town”;
through a traditional market (not for the faint of heart- as I witnessed endless chickens and animal “parts” I had to remind myself that this was a completely different culture, and that I shouldn’t make any judgements…just to observe and “take it all in”. Many of the workers were very old women, and their hands were nimble…probably no arthritis…for there wouldn’t be TIME for arthritis.
Through a chinease Temple……ornate beyond words…! The door (one is pictured in the shutterfly link) , was hand painted wood…absolutely beautiful ! The lanterns offered beautiful red coloration, insense filled the air and candles everywhere. No Airconditioning, the open windows looked beautiful and once one got used to the temperature, the shade of the building helped to dissipate the sense of “heat.
We had an opportunity to enter a Buddist temple, during service…OF COURSE, out of respect, we removed our shoes…and found Monks inside…and people kneeling, while others played instruments and watched a ritual in the center of the hall. I would like to have known more about this service…but, instead, just quietly observed.

The streets of Chinatown were filled with street vendors and about a BILLION Rolex watches…and Louis Viton KNOCK-OFFS…as well as other items. There were many selling vegetables. And they offered such color and invitation, to a tremendously busy street that we were sad not to be able to take any back to the ship (not allowed). There were many Monks quietly asking for offerings, a vendor blowing bubbles for the kids (see pictures), dress/shirt tailors, and the occasional street restaurant. The vendors were persistent, however, not rude and accepted a polite “no thank you” as we strolled on. Opps…we did, however buy two things…and, YES ! We did get our 60% off…after much conversation!
In KL everyone speaks English…a required language from first grade one…at least for 6 grades…so, it is very comfortable for us to travel there. Tourism is their second most import commodity and they are eager for us to “spread the word” to travel there…so, there ! I have done my part…on their behalf.
Mid morning, we went to a traditional “tea house” for tea and flat bread. They make their tea with tea mixed with hot milk…and froth it by pouring it back and forth…until it is COMPLETELY aerated…(see pics)…! They flavor it with dark honey…and it is really, REALLY delicious. The flat bread is made sort of the way WE make pizza…BUT then, it is roasted and torn apart, and dipped in various sauces…most of them, very hot. After this demonstration and treat, back to the hot streets…to see more architecture and just to get the flavor of the city. After we were all sufficiently warmed up…a much needed rest.
This time, to a lovely more upscale Mall. ”. Some of the buildings are constructed with special tiles to reflect the heat… and this was true in this Mall…filled with beautiful handicraft boutiques…sooooo much cooler, although the humidity still wafted through the halls. It reminded me of a Fla. Flea Market, however, items were so beautifully displayed and everything was carefully made ! No “junk” here !
Our final stop for the day, was for a late lunch…Malasian Buffet.
There must have been 50 different dishes, not including about 20 kinds of dessert…Between us, Pat and I tried to sample each one…just to “try it”…! Most were delicious with their special spices and herbs…some familiar and many not! Only a few, we did not care about…most were better than delicious. The desserts were mostly gelato form, and often, an art form, with layers of color (see pics).
After quite a long day of a mixture of religions , architecture and culture…we were treated to a last look at the TWIN TOWERS…(SEE explanation in Pics). They are the tallest in the world, until the tower in Dubai gets finished. Hopefully, you will enjoy seeing and reading about them when you view the pics in shutterfly. Glad to use my 200mm lens to the fullest to give a close-up view. Truly amazing and really beautiful, as the architectural design is in place to capture the suns rays to “glisten”’ and look as if they were jewels reaching for the sky.

After this…it was “home” to the ship.
During the 90 min ride, we heard more about the politics going on in this region…somewhat in turmoil just now. Recently (while we were there), a person, much like Osama Bin Laden, escaped from the police custody in Singapore…and they were looking feverishly for Him…hence the strict security for us during our stay. In Malasia, they just finished having a truly democratic election…there are many border issues, just now, between Thailand, china and Malasia…actually among most all the bordering countries. We learned, just today, from a lecturer that in Myanamar…there is quite a lot of tension, still…between the central corridor and the lateral “states”. We shall be spending one day IN Yangoon/Myanomar and the second in the more eastern state of Bago. Aparantly, the central corrider is compromised of traditional people…committed to ancient and traditional Buddism, and the lateral “states” are Muslim. The Borders ie with Thailand (Buddist) have mod potential for conflict with the Muslim areas of Burma “States” as well as within Burma…the two do NOT see eye to eye.
Sooooooo, we shall be watching the attitudes and commentary with great interest while we are in Phuket tomorrow (riding Elephants in the rain forest ) and while we spend a couple of days in Myanomar/Burma.

Having a political analyst on board to give lectures about such things to which I referred above, adds greatly to our understanding of the the whole experience of being here…as well and helpful for us to not embarrass ourselves when we ask questions of the local guides…just to help us seem/be imformed.
All is well here…having a quiet day here…all morning it was raining, but now, it is sunny once again.

We miss you all and hope that you will have enjoyed this EPISTLE. I lack many writing skills, but do enjoy sharing my thoughts, observations and feelings with you all. It is nice to have you right along with us, virtually.

Stay well and know that we share your letters to each of us, with one another…with great eager anticipation and joy.

Love from us both,

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