Welcome to our BLOG... !

A BLOG is a place to share information and commentary about the life experiences of a person or couple. This is an opportunity to share our lives with you, and so, we shall attempt to keep you all up to date on our life together.


Our World Cruise 2008 has come...can't believe it ! The time has flown and we are starting the cruise tomorrow. We'll be away from Jan 2008-May of 2008. I will be posting frequently, so, please, check-in often and comment "whenever the spirit moves you", (as my mother used to say !). PLEASE, check the section about "how to comment"...it may help you when you choose to do this after reading a section.

It is my hope that, at any time, but, especially, during this cruise, we ALL will use this site to stay "connected" with oneanother, dispite the vast geographical challenge...and feel wonderful about the sharing of thoughts and feelings, altogether.

I shall post pictures from the ship and from various places we visit...but most will be on 'shutterfly' and you will be able to access them via this BLOG by clicking on the HYPERLINK I shall place within the posting. If at any time the hyperlink doesn't work, then type the address into your web browser to go to shutterfly and use the password to access the OTooleworldcruise2008 collection...whenever you would wish to do so.

We hope that you will feel welcome and think of this, sort of, as YOUR SITE, too.

a message from,
Nancy and Patrick

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Looking both ways...backward and forward !

Hello everyone...

Ah ! The Christmas season.........holiday parties and frivolity; 'tis a joyful season, indeed. We are in Longmeadow just now...at <32 degrees, Brrrrrrrrrrr ! 'Tis a land of snow and ice and glistening beauty all around us, just now. Despite the brutal cold and difficulty navigating once the temerature drops and the rain turns to sleet...we have witnessed the beauty of the ice...hanging heavily on the trees and allowing them to form into new shapes to form 'Winter's wonderland". I do miss the warm weather, 'tho the sight is truely beautiful to behold.

Now, looking"backwards" over the past month.........

We were especially blessed to have had time with Pat's two brothers and his sister this past Thanksgiving week, while still in Florida ...This happens so rarely and it was a very special time for us all. The weather was perfect and we thoroughly enjoyed the days. One evening, we enjoyed time in Tequesta at "Mc Carthy's pub"...and found ourselves "on tape" for their promotion of the club. What a wonderful time, singing Irish songs together and enjoying good friends, too.

Later that week, my brother Ralph and Sherrey (Jacob) joined us in Florida for three days. We decided to share our Thanksgiving feast at the President Country Club...where we belong. Celebrating there this year, allowed us to watch the Macy's Day Parade, and go to the Beach instead of working all day in the kitchen...! The relaxation was a welcome experience for all of us and especially for them, as they seldom get to "sleep in" and just "be". It was nice to watch them as the opportunity for true relaxation appeared. We had time for early morning walks and to have coffee together while reading the paper and watching the lovely sunrises.
One day, we went to the Morikami reserve in Delray...a true paradise filled with Japanese gardens and Koi and Bonsai gardens as well as many walking paths and Reflection gardens.
This is a photographers paradise...!

Ralph and Sherrey enjoy ...
a quiet moment !!!

Japaense umbrella shades us from the hot sun !

Our last night, we celebrated our mutual birthdays...and enjoyed reliving memories and sharing thoughts as we looked at old family pictures. Items from our childhood are so very precious to us...and we, each, learm much when we take time to share. It was nice to have "time". Ahhh! Florida !

The recent week has allowed us to Celebrate the growth of Atlantic Fastener's through such hard work of all the new owners: the whole company ! It seems that each one is truely taking pride in growing the company and realizing the benefits of working as a team to reach common goals. This kind of work ethic and the stabilization it brings for the many families involved is truely what Pat was hoping would happen when he led the managment team to sell the Company to an "EOSOP". It is so nice to see this happening and working out so well.
Soon, Atlantic will have it's Christmas party and celebrate in more formal style!

Looking "forward":
Soon, it is back to Fla. for us. We'll share Christmas with my two daughters, lit'l. Gretchen and Jenny's husband. This time altogether hasn't happened for so very long...and we ALL are looking forward to some serious beach time and cards/board games and the like, together,
before Pat and I depart on our Journey abroad, Jan 16th.

We are ALMOST all ready...just one more visit for shots...and then Packing ! (SO, how DOES one pack for almost 4 months away...to cover all weather conditions and STILL leave room for precious keepsakes and gifts yet to be bought along the way??? I'll share that with you, next summer!).

Life is good for us, just now. We are so very, very grateful to have survived the past year (literally), after each of us needed spine surgery...and to be feeling so well, now. We have been truely Blessed with this, the love and support of our family and our close friends. Our Blessings are too many to count.

At this time of year, but always, we would like to wish each of you a Blessed Christmas and Holiday season, to be celebrated in whatever way you do choose. Our hope is also that you remain well throughout the winter and well into the New Year !

Merry Christmas !

Nancy and Patrick

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