Welcome to our BLOG... !

A BLOG is a place to share information and commentary about the life experiences of a person or couple. This is an opportunity to share our lives with you, and so, we shall attempt to keep you all up to date on our life together.


Our World Cruise 2008 has come...can't believe it ! The time has flown and we are starting the cruise tomorrow. We'll be away from Jan 2008-May of 2008. I will be posting frequently, so, please, check-in often and comment "whenever the spirit moves you", (as my mother used to say !). PLEASE, check the section about "how to comment"...it may help you when you choose to do this after reading a section.

It is my hope that, at any time, but, especially, during this cruise, we ALL will use this site to stay "connected" with oneanother, dispite the vast geographical challenge...and feel wonderful about the sharing of thoughts and feelings, altogether.

I shall post pictures from the ship and from various places we visit...but most will be on 'shutterfly' and you will be able to access them via this BLOG by clicking on the HYPERLINK I shall place within the posting. If at any time the hyperlink doesn't work, then type the address into your web browser to go to shutterfly and use the password to access the OTooleworldcruise2008 collection...whenever you would wish to do so.

We hope that you will feel welcome and think of this, sort of, as YOUR SITE, too.

a message from,
Nancy and Patrick

Saturday, February 23, 2008


last post followed our time in Tasmania...(not sure that that fact was clear). Now, we are en route, still on the Tasman Sea...to Melbourne, au. to arrive in the am.

Hopefully, one of the next posts will have the snippits of info and feelings about many of the funny and/or poignant moments here on board...

writing is such fun...hope you all are enjoying !

Emails are welcome from anyone who wishes to send them...can't believe we are 17 hours away.

have a good night sleep...


Greetings from a very rough...Tasman Sea...dishes are rattling !

Feb 23’d…at 3:15p (it is 11:15 the 22’d your time, I think)
Hello Everyone……….!
Today is a BEAUTIFUL day while we said in the Tasman sea…en route to Melbourne, Australia.
It is a day for laundry, and rest and relaxation after a lovely day in Tasmania.

It has been awhile since I last wrote, as I am still fighting a terrible bout with Asthmatic Bronchitis. I think I finally have it licked…though…..yay ! I caught it ON the ship…first time for this kind of problem on Crystal…but SO many folks have it, it is almost hard to escape it.
Last night, we had a lovely intimate dinner in our stateroom…Hot wild mushroom soup…and California rolls…a glass of wine and then, early to bed…I mean early…as in 8pm !
Today, we both feel much better. Pat is doing all the lectures while I am relaxing…while catching up on laundry. I have succeeded in timing my laundry just right…commandeering several washers at once…and getting done in a whiz…while others are at lectures etc. It is kind of nice to just be alone, only with the sounds of the rolling waves of the sea. They are hypnotizing to me…I really LOVE the water and this time is precious.
I have to tell you that I awoke this morning about sunrise, just for a few moments…long enough to see the full moon, along with the rising sun…what a beautiful sight with only the open sea as a contrast. Simplicity…one can easily imagine that these feelings must have called the early sailors to sea… ! I remember seeing a HUGE bunch of dolphins playing near the boat…the other night. Another beautiful sight out here in the middle of NO-WHERE ! Surely, I wasn’t close enough to really photograph them to share with you all……….but, they looked as if they were having a “ball” playing in the waves. Sort of reminded me of when, as a little girl, I would go with Mom and our family and cousins to just ride the waves of an ensuing North Blow up on Lake Champlain. We, too, had such fun ! it makes me realize that we truly are ALL creatures in the world…and much the same as our animal and fish friends.
So lets see…yesterday we were in Tasmania. Who goes there??? Who even thinks of Tasmania ??? I certainly didn’t …’till yesterday!
We landed in Hobart, Tasmania and found it to be a lovely little city with VERY friendly residents. They even have a TARGET ! After walking around a bit…we took an excursion to a local game farm where we got up close and personal, (as they say) with Kangaroos, Koalas, wombats and many other birds. They animals were walking freely about…and we could feed them and just spend time talking and scratching them, as one would a favorite dog. Especially fun, was stroking under the chin of the Kangaroos…and also, scratching them between their ears. NEVER thought that I would have a chance to do THAT. They loved us to do that, even when we didn’t have any food to give them…in fact, it seemed as if they sought us out, at times, just for the attention. The Koala bears were SO cute…I wanted to hug one…but, alas, they only wanted the park ranger, so I had to settle for a picture next to one. Oh, I did scratch it, also, but the hugging was OUT ! L
Of course, we finally got the Tasmanian Devils to come out to play…but, as they really DO bite, the game keeper was the only one to play with them. Actually, I expected to find the Tasmanian Devil to be a scary, mole like creature…ugly. But instead, I found out that they really are quite cute. They are a dark brown with lots of fur…little beady eyes and a short, pointed snout. A little mole like, but so cute…especially the babies.We saw some adult ones and some babies, too. Will try to upload some pics of the animals under the file “Tasmania” so, look for them in:
http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com (password: CRYSTALS).
So far, I am trying to keep up, so that you all can match pictures with blog entries along the way. REMEMBER>>>YOU CAN NAVIGATE TO ANY AND ALL OF THE ALBUMS…AT ANY TIME, after having seen the featured album, by simply clicking on
otooleworldcruise2008 COLLECTION…and that action will give you access to ALL the albums. I add pictures occasionally to the general albums…ie speakers, friends etc…so once in awhile…check them out, if you wish.
I hope, also, that you are seeing/enjoying the blog too……
It is such fun to write to you there, to recap the day, or to share the special memories along the way.
Tonight is a formal night…and soon, we all will be decked out in “finery”…I confess that although many think it might be a chore…I love to dress up and feel elegant at a lovely dinner. The Security officer of the ship, sits at our table with us…he is a young man who has his captain’s licence…is from Australia, but lives in Spain (one of our favorite countries !). This will be his last time hosting at our table, as he goes on vacation soon…for about three months. He enjoys fine wine and is gracious enough to host the wine for our table on formal nights. We have had some lovely French wine and some New Zealand wine…not sure what we’ll have tonight. Sort of like wine tasting as he usually picks wine which I would have chosen……..
It is fun hearing from him, what he is able to share about how security works on a ship such as ours. Often information is classified…but he is open and willing to share with us, what he can.
The two women who service our cabin are so sweet. One has a husband who also work on the ship…he is the chief computer person in the computer university at sea . He is very patient, knowledgable and available most of the time to help sort out any computer problems one might have. She works as an assistant to “Nina” who is our main housekeeper. Nina is a bit older, according to her…and many of the girls look to her as their “mom”…sort of. She isn’t really very old…and is a real sweetheart…they both are. So “chipper” and friendly and helpful. I don’t know how the staff does it…but very, very seldom do you ever hear/see any staff person in a bad mood. This fact really makes the whole experience wonderful for each of us. They are very knowledgable about ports too…often I get more info from them about what to see than the consierge person.
AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh! The sea is picking up, now, waves are getting bigger…should be a fun night. Glasses are rattling...I am busy securing things before we go out for the formal evening.The Dancers will surely have a fun time entertaining us tonight...may have to change the entertainment. However, for us (luckily), the higher the waves, the more they lull us to sleep…so, no problem…just another hurdle…that is how to sleep and NOT roll out of bed (REALLY, I came about an inch from doing just that one night recently!!!)
Well……..this is all for now. I’ll write again after Melbourne…Pray for good weather…as Australia just finished with a hurricaine , and we are hoping the weather will be clear for us while we are there.

Much love to each of you , from both Pat and me >>>

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tasman Sea en route to Melbourne, Australia

Hi everyone...

first off...we hope that you will have a wonderful week! You are just getting up, as I am getting ready to go to bed. We get to set the clocks back an hour tonight and tomorrow night...YAY !!!

What a two days we have had. (payback for all the rain and missed port in Dunedin !!!)

Yesterday, we cruised the Dusky and Doubtfull sounds...so much like the fjords in Norway, i am told...that EVERYONE was outside taking pictures all day. The captain arranged to meet up with our "sister ship" the Harmony (now owned by the parent company, but Japanese cruise ship, now)...in the Doubtful sound. wHAT A HAPPENING. Hot chocolate with dark rum, to keep us all warm...it was COLD...believe it or not...! the ships got really, really close, nose to nose and we could easily see the faces of the people on the other cruise ship, and to talk with them...! We played mutual music while the ships were together and the parent co had helicoptors there to take pictures ! really fun seeing a ship which most of us had sailed on at least once (it was Pat and my first Crystal cruise...on the Harmony). Very nostalgic...but,also very emotional seeing so many people from ALL over the world making such an attempt to "connect".

the Fjord like sounds were spectacular...quiet and filled with high snow topped mountains, with many waterfalls here and there. I took lots of pics.

Today, if possible, was even more spectacular !. At one point the captain got the ship 6 meters close to a huge waterfall........and our ship hired a helicopter to take pictures of all of us on the ship and near the waterfall. We had beautiful sunny days and spent many hours in the sounds before finally going back to the open sea.

(I promise that I will narrow down the picture numbers for this album...and in advance really, REALLY apologize for WELLINGTON. I meant to make an "upload folder" with only about 30 pics...but forgot and started the upload...unfortunately...all the pics...good and bad are uploaded...so either just skip that album until I can fix it...or enjoy ABOUT 400 pics...UGH!)

We have two more sea days, and they are still welcome...as we have many motivational speakers, one on memory, one on estate planning and a host of other people to entertain us...this doesn't even account for the 12 or so other activities available each day...ie bridge, golf, movies crafts, dance lessons etc.

Today, we took time to just "be" on our verandah and to enjoy the sights and silence of the sound...it was scrumptious !

Hope you are all well. ! We would love to hear from any of you who would like to send either of us an email...it is always wonderful to hear from you all.

Next blog, I shall just write short notes about interesting happenings...quotes or other "snippits" which could be humerous or just interesting...but, in the meantime...enjoy the latest uploads from the two days cruising in the sounds...meeting the Japanese people from the Harmony, the pictures of our ship 6 meters from the waterfall and the plane/helocopter shots...they were fun to take, and even more beautiful to see up close.

Love to you all !

nancy and Patrick

Sunday, February 17, 2008

2-18 and 2-17-08 Tazman Sea !

2-18-08 our time...
2-17-08...your time. !Hi everyone…It has been quite a day here in entering into the Tazman sea…!!! We are currently near the Milford and Dusky sounds... the sea is hig...and rolling.....and, That is putting it mildly !

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOAN !!! # ??? couldn't get a link though my global phone to sing to you...so consider it done ! We are thinking of you, on your day ! Hope my e-card reached you !

Jenny and Kathleen, hope you both are feeling well, today and enjoying feeling the little ones growing insde each of you........CONGRATULATIONS once again!

to David and Anna...our thoughts and prayers are with you EACH day...hoping improvements come often !

Now, to you all…………
I was hoping to tell you all about our wonderful time here in New Zealand, as soooooo many people said that it would be a highlight for us, in comparison to Australia. However, in actuality, we have had several tough days at sea, and while in port, we have witnessed torrential rain…the first for New Zealand in three months of drought. Sooooooooo…many of our wonderful plans have been thwarted, time in ports shortened and today…our last day …CANCELLED ALTOGETHER. WE WERE to have enjoyed a fabulous last day in New Zealand today in Dunedin…visiting a castle, taking a full day scenic ride over the land and enjoying up close and personal time with the cutie pie penquins there…however the Typhoon in Australia created amazingly high headwinds with which we had to deal for the last two days at sea…and this put us behind arriving into DUNEDIN today. As a consequence, we missed out docking space and had to wait a LONG time for a container ship to clear, before we could dock in DUNEDIN. In fact, we had to wait so long, that by the time our time had come, the seas were so rough, that, ultimately, we were unable to tie up at all…and had to miss our whole day there. This also meant cancelling the overland adventure (3 full days ) for many folks…and a huge loss of revenue overall and many unhappy travelers. Everyone was so bummed as it really was the first beautiful, sunny day we had had in about five days ! The captain apologized for everything, as if he really was at fault, and reminded us all that safety came first and that the >20ft sea swells were simply too dangerous for us to navigate in tenders… and having only a few hours in port would not prove to be worth all the risk and trouble.
So…Instead, he offered free cocktail hour for all guests from 5:15-8:30p tonight, the band played some jazz, and $$compensation for all missed excursions.
OH WELL….what can one do? So frustrating to see the beautiful mountains and sunshine…for once, and NOT to be able to get off to meet the people.
I did spend time outside for awhile to photograph the pilot boat trying to navigate meeting up with our ship…quite the site (pics will be on shutterfly), and at moments almost felt threatened by the wind, myself…ultimately coming inside to safety. I did see a few albatross’ though and did catch a couple on “film”… I guess that the people of New Zealand are so very happy to have rain for their fields and for their hydroelectric plants…that we all must be sensitive to that and be happy for them. It is so important and they were really worrying about what they would do if rain didn’t come soon. No Worries for them, now. I so often take time to remind myself that travel really is a wonderful thing…a privilege and often, as in real life, doesn’t work out as one would have planned. Instead, considering others and trying to learn the impact of crisis provides a framework for new perspective. Yes, I am disappointed, however, the storm has cleared and now, we are poised for two magnificent days in the Milford and Dusky sounds…passes through beautiful high mountains and fiord like areas. We are Blessed to be here and to be able to see this.
Australia has had their problems, too, with the recent typhoon…and we can only hope that things will have cleared from there by the time we arrive in Melbourne in a few days. We have been feeling the aftermath of the typhoon…rough seas…>20 ft swells and lots of “rock’in and rolling” as we TRY to walk a straight line through the halls of the ship. Before bed, we must secure things, lest we find them knocked over, or on the other side of the room, in the morning. Sleeping is tough for those who have cabins in the bow…happily I planned ‘just in case’ and we are in the middle of the ship…a much more stable place. However, we are on the 11 floor and the top gets much more movement than the lower levels. So far, neither of us is sick ! As we have sailed in 40 ft seas, once long ago, without any problem, I don’t expect that we will have any problem this time, either.The weather is much cooler now…high 60/s instead of a hot/humid 90 only a few days ago. This is giving us all a nice break and a chance to wear all those clothes we thought we would not NEED. Actually, I kind of like the sea swells…they sort of lull my to sleep…all except the times when I almost roll out of bed……..JUST KIDDING.
Well…….what can I say…we did have several great times in NZ…meeting some lovely people and seeing more sheep than I EVER thought that I would ever see.
Auckland was probably the most dramatic with regard to buildings…and developed sea front. Even young girls went about on segways advertising the night club…there. We enjoyed our time there, relaxing and enjoying great Lebonese cuisine. We were spared the rain until later that day.
Christ Church was probably the most beautiful terrain…although with the cloudy/rainy day, twas hard to see…but, one could just imagine the beauty as one traversed over “hill and dale” …I think that I would LOVE to return, one day…God willing.
Wellington, was a lovely city…bustling and full of more interesting architecture…a real mix of old and new. The new was very avant guarde…..and a pleasure to see. Of course, there was a “Molly Malone’s”…too. (What city doesn’t have one???) Luckily, we did get a chance to see the beautiful rose gardens which bordered the Botanical gardens, just before the weather turned, and in retrospect, we SHOULD have gone to the festival there despite the rain…but, sometimes one just doesn’t feel like BEING a duck…ya know?
Now, I am enjoying the memories through our pictures, and will upload them before OUR DAY ends…
I so hope that you all are finding a way to access them to see them at:

http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com (CRYSTALS) /password
Just in case you haven’t figured the site out fully, yet…when I add a NEW album…it is listed as featured…once to view them, please be aware that you can/should check all the albums…to see farther down in the list which ones, to which I have recently added pictures. Some of the albums, ie staff photos, pics of Pat and me, speakers etc will be constantly uploaded and ever changing…so keep checking those which interest you. The other albums, will be uploaded as we see the area…following the map our our cruise itinerary will help you to know where we are, and which ones may have new pictures. I am loading many pictures this time as I am not SURE that we shall be able to have another party as last year to showcase the pics…so, if you get tired of looking , or just want to view a few…by all means so what is comfortable for you !
It is my joy to share with you……..it is always your choice to “look”.
A couple nights ago, they put on a world cruise party for those of us who are doing the whole 108 days…and did a take off of the wizard of OZ. It was silly and cute…making a new story of Dorothy meeting her “down under” counterpart “Shiela” and the characters, including a cowardly “K…Roo”. Lots of singing a fabulous dancing and costumes…do wish I had brought my camera, but alas…I have spared you this time…and the beautiful memories will have to just reside in our minds. We do have the stories, though.
We are at sea, now, for four days…and happily, they brought on MANY new celebrities, speakers and those with new talent…so we shall have fabulous entertainment and interesting intellectual stimulation via the many wonderful and insightful talks given each day…usually three. I may be on deck most of today, however, to do the viewing of the sound…
Well…….guess this is all for now…! Next time, I may pick a few ports/experiences and just write about them…for fun…as MANY funny things happen around here each day ! I love that you all have chosen to be a part of this……with us……..it is fun to think of you coming right along with us even if it is virtually…and without any seasickness ! love from us both…Nancy

Thursday, February 14, 2008

GREETINGS from Auckland


WE may still be about 14-17 hours ahead of you all, due to the fact of our having crossed the international dateline…so I am hoping that this reaches each of you before this day arrives.

Right now, we are in New Zealand waters, having left the great port city of Aukland and en route to Christchurch, New Zealand. Wow….what a beautiful city was Aukland ! think about Newport and all the sail boats and the multiply that view. It had sooooooo many sailing vessels and beautiful and interesting architecture…that I may have to make an album just to showcase this fact.

There are many, many new buildings, tall and pristine glass with fabulous skyline mirror images across the skyline…long beautiful bridges and yet, an occasional older VINTAGE building mixed into the landscape. Really…a joy to walk about. Although we booked two excursions, we left from mid day yesterday all afternoon, to ‘BE’ in the city…experience great food, to to the top of the SKY TOWER and enjoy the city.

Where to begin…perhaps with the first of the two days…

Day one…NOTE...at the shutterfly site, the pictures from day one are in one album and day 2,pictures are in a second album ! Access the pictures at :
http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com use password: CRYSTALS ---
back to the story...the drive on the first day...
took us about 2.5 hours outside of Aukland…to Waitoma Glow worm caves…this is a fabulous area of limestone caves built so many years ago, by volcano eruption, and then, swirling waters which carved out the caves and connected them in marvelous ways. Over the years, through dripping action, both Stalagmites and Stalagtites formed and created a magnificent area to see. Somewhere along the way, natural selection of species occurred and “glowworms” took up residence…propagating and making thousands, perhaps millions of colonies. Inside the caves, in the dark, as we traversed by boat, they shone brightly and appeared almost as “stars” in the CAVE CEILINGS. We were not allowed to photograph so, in time, I shall try to ‘SHOW” what this looked like via the magic of digital photography. Really awesome.

After that…a fab time at a New Zealand farm show…where a man who could be a twin of Robin Williams did a one man show about the history of New Zealand past and present. He brought many animals up close and personal (only a few feet away)…and was very funny. He is an entrepreuner here…taking many acres and making a hotel complex of hotels in the shape of an airplane, a ferry and also a “Hobbit Hotel” (a take off of the Hobbitron…from the filming of the Hobbit…here in New Zealand). A very interesting man…funny, laid back and yet, very interested in being a great business man !...and... although a long day, loads of fun with many great photo opps. It rained very hard at times, and like so many places, New Zealand really needs rain…but, it managed to rain while we were inside… yay ! Problem is, I had not excuse for my “bad hair day !” HOWEVER!... Very relaxing and nice to begin feeling better after struggling with having been so sick…….!

Early to bed that night , after a wonderful dinner and a juggler show…! Really, really wanted to go ashore to take in the nightlife of Aukland, port looked sooooooooo inviting at night, but, the New Zealanders sort of roll up the carpet early (probably bec they work so hard shearing the 30-60 million sheep), so I am told there really wasn’t much we missed.

Day two was fabulous, in a different way…so very relaxed and such a bright sunny day ! We started out early to visit the home of a local woman who raised sheep, cattle and deer…beautiful gardens and offered “tea” to wandering / visiting guests…such as ourselves. What great photo opportunities…and a chance to chat with a most personable woman. She, also a proud grandmother, uses this venue to supplement income, as well as a chance to meet others from far away. Really proud of her home and work. The time there culminated in a sheep shearing demonstration…and was realaxing in every way.
Then, on to a Gannet Bird colony…rare birds and one of the largest colonies in the world. I was soooooooo glad to have a great camera lens, for without it, I wouldn’t have gotten pics of these amazing birds. Really family oriented and luckily, we had time to simply watch them ‘be together” as mates…so beautiful preening eachother and sort of caressing together as they found eachother. Simply elegant in flight as they soared over the ocean as well as the craggy rock formations. A Rare opportunity and I really enjoyed this experience even more than anticipated. Sometimes, simplicity in nature is most beautiful. All too soon our excursion came to an end. Back at the ship, Pat and I decided to take the whole rest of the afternoon, to be together alone in Aukland…to make use of our time there, instead of simply going on board early.
Our ship was docked very near the city center and most places of interest were within and easy walk. We headed into the city via the pier so that we could see the hundreds of sailboats there…the harbor rivals Newport…hundreds could be underestimating the number. So many were very large and elegant…masts and sails glistening in the sunshine. Soon, we found a fabulous middle eastern restaurant on the beautiful Harbour. Middle eastern food…some of our favorite food…oh ! so tasty, was just the thing and we took time to just “be”… So nice to just let time pass and people watch and to take time to talk about being in this amazing place…”DOWN UNDER” !. Once our lunch was over, our plan was to go to the “city center” and the “sky tower” about a mile away. The walk was fun, as the architecture there is a combination of brand new…beautifully shaped and high buildings coupled with older more vintage ones. They didn’t seem to fight eachother…instead, their presence made the walk a lovely one. There was much traffic and although pedestrians MAY have the right of way, it was SOON clear, that we had better follow the lights…lest we put that rule to the test.
Before long, we could see the high sky tower looming above us and excitement grew. I just couldn’t wait to be UP there. Pat humored me and we got tickets to go all the way up. Once there…the view was simply incredible. (I’ll include some views from the tower in my shutterfly album……..( http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com ) as soon as I am able to get the pics edited and resized to be loaded into the album. I may make two albums…one each for the two days there…we’ll see. Anyway, the day was crystal clear…blue skies and fluffy clouds and few of them…so the views seemed to go on forever. Of course, while we were there, some young man decided that it would be fun to bungy jump from the top (must have a death wish!!!)…and they suspended him half way. As luck would have it…he stopped right in front of me(while we were on the lower floor), and I was so dumfounded to be looking right at him…I almost forgot to take a picture. Luckily, before they dropped him the rest of the way, I did photograph him and also as he dropped…Still can’t believe he did that. By the look on his face, I am not sure that he was sure he did it, either !!! While we were still there, there were five people who decided to tether themselves and then to walk on the outer ring of the sky tower (a ring without railings)…just for fun. More people w a death wish ! Anyway…much excitement about it all……and we just enjoyed vicariously…don’t think…wait…we KNOW that we won’t be doing either of those DUMB things any time soon.
After we came down, we found that there was an exhibit of the TERRA COTTA WARRIORS there…and as we shall be in china before long, it seemed fitting to go to see it. On our way, we passed by the new CASINO there…really beautiful…sparkly lights and very modern in appearance…made us wish we had more time…to just go in…OK…maybe try a $5 spot ! Anyway, we didn’t and, instead, we went on to the Terra Cotta Warrior exhibit. It was an amazing exhibit…can’t believe what we saw…and it struck me …the similarities between these and the ancient Egyptians in their shared hope for everlasting life by taking servents and articles needed in the after life…!. So much is the same between peoples…past and, I believe present…if only we take the chance to really get to know one another…eh?
Later…some walking on the busy shopping district…but, by then, a bit tired and getting back to the ship was welcome. New Zealand is VERY cautious about security and we had about three or four checkpoints to go through before getting on the the ship…It was, and always is nice to hear a “welcome Home” from a Crystal officer as we re-board…yes ! it is starting to feel almost like home, now.
There are sooooo many stories to tell, and there never seems enough time to do so…perhaps, we shall be sharing at obscure moments throughout the rest of our lives…the little and big “ah ha!” moments from this trip…for I know that there will never be sufficient time while we are ON the cruise.
Hopefully, you will get a flavor from the pictures and the episodic notes I post on the blog.
Meanwhile…know that almost each day, we have a wonderful historian who gives almost an hour talk about the history related to ports we visit…speaks without notes and is simply brilliant. We also have a variety of other speakers…(I shall place an album on shutterfly with the pictures of the speakers…and add to it, as they appear…so that you can know who is speaking throughout the cruise…keep checking it…as it will be in constant flux as the speaker list grows).
Today was valentines day…and crystal did a great job of decorating the great hall with pink and red balloons…added red roses and in our staterooms, we got a heart shaped cookie each, along with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. So very thoughtful…and much appreciated.
Well…….I plan to get this on the blog tonight before bed…so I shall need to end. Tomorrow, we are in Christchurch, New Zealand…and there will be many new and wonderful things to see there…

By for now…stay well and safe and we shall do the same.

Pat and I send Love to each of you…..

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

traveling en route to Samoa

Hi everyone...

Tonight we are celebrating Mardi Gras...soon the jazz will fill the hallways and the coctail lounges...the ship is all decked out in purple and gold...really, quite festive. This is a first for Crystal and they are doing it in style this time. We so love jazz, so this is extra special for us.

Today, we are en route to Apia, Samoa. We'll arrive in the morning and only be there a day. Looking forward to it and our sight seeing will be an overview of the island.

Today was very special in so many ways...for one...we had lunch with Scott Ritter, the person who was chief weapons inspector for Iraq ...now retired. He worked closely with the Pentagon, and Nato and of course the FBI...very interesting to have about 2 hours of one on one time with him, as he is a guest lecturer and is open and down to earth as they come. He is a past marine, a conservative, mostly, however, very critical of this adm. handling of the current war. He views many world decisions as "political" and as many of us, is concerned about the future of our country. These experiences are so valuable...and we are so very fortunate to have them.

On another note...I have just posted many more pictures on Shutterfly...

http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com (password: CRYSTALS)...SO LOOK FOR THEM at your leisure. If you cannot get in...try later, as I may be working on the site uploading more at the very time you are trying to see the pics...I am learning that we both cannot be at the site at the same time, or, you cannot "get in" to see the pics.

More pics and commentary is coming.......thanks for your patience.

Will sign off now...more later today and in the few days to come.

note...as we'll be crossing the International Dateline...Feb 7th will NOT exist for us.......WOW........INTERESTING, EH?

bYE FOR NOW........

love to all from,
Nancy and Pat

Sunday, February 3, 2008


QUICKLY...GO TO http://otooleworldcruise2008.shutterfly.com (use password: CRSYSTALS) TO SEE PICS FROM MOOREA...under album of french polynesia ! others will follow later.

have a great day !


Superbowl sunday...comments re: Moorea a bit late !

Hi everyone……..
Can’t believe that we are in Huahine, French Polynesia…actually part of the Society Islands, today…the days are flying by. (Tomorrow, Bora Bora). Where to begin?
Ahhhhh! Moorhea was almost our favorite island, so far…So pristine in its beauty. The color of the water most most clear tourquoise that I have ever seen…even more beautiful than in Bermuda and THAT is saying something. After seeing the island, complete with ancient religious sites, called Maraes, and AMAZING viewing points, we set sail on a Catamaran to a private island…a MOTU, for the afternoon. All the way, we watched the various wind surfers…SHOWING OFF. Such beautifully tanned and strong people…mostly men, but, alas, one woman…”YOU GO GIRL”. They cut through the water on their board, as if they were a hot knife cutting through butter ! Then, ever so quickly, the wind would take them way above the water, sometimes about 20 feet…and then, they found a way to land back on to the water…just in time to “catch the top of the wave” and to use the force of the wave to pick up even more speed. Really fun to watch. One even showed off enough to “sail” above our catamaran, just for effect…when he saw my long camera lens, he waved and I was fortunate to catch the moment on “film”…as they say. I shall include the pic in the file on Moorea when I am able to upload the pictures from that day.

So, once there…we had a lovely bar-b-q lunch, after which, we had a demonstration of cocoanuts…the proper way to split one (in the mouth of the nut…NOT the ‘eyes’), the draining of the ‘water’ and then the grating of the coconut…after which one squeezes the coconut pulp to produce the MILK. ‘Fabulous’ wouldn’t describe the taste of the fresh cocoanut and the pineapple here, on this island ! It is more fresh and sweet than any I have EVER tasted.
The people are SOOOOO laid back and nice…they feel, and I would agree, that they truly live in Paradise !
I will say that snorkeling was QUITE the experience. Such a strong undercurrent that swimming as hard as I could, with fins, only allowed me to stay EXACTLY stationary. Without fins, it was IMPOSSIBLE to swim…and to stand still, one had to dig ones feet into the sand at an angle…almost into the rocks below, for traction, to stay still enough to peer underneath the water to see the fabulous live coral and fish below. It was wonderful, but too tiresome for me to be there long…stayed only about 40 min before “packing it in” so to speak. The stingrays were very friendly and came to say “hello” on occasion…it was fun to see them again. Not as big as I saw in the Cayman Islands, but big enough.
All too soon…the day came to a close. We were glad to get “home” to our fruit cocktail a shower and time to relax on the balcony as we watched the sun set…and as we pulled away from the harbor…en route to the next port.
The Captain always starts the day with “the thought for the day”.
Today it was…”you cannot leave footprints in the sand by sitting down”…and…
to be sure…Pat and I are NOT doing much sitting.

I hope that This journal finds you well…….warm and enjoying our travels. I will try to be more prompt in journaling and getting pictures up and running, now that I am getting “in the swing”…but time passes quickly here…and sometimes, the best thing to do is to just “be” !!!
Love from us both to each of you……